Principal Authority (Owner) role and access
'Principal Authority (Owner)' is the Export Service role with the highest level of access.
Here’s what you can do in the Export Service if you are assigned a ‘Principal Authority (Owner)’ role.
- Set up an Export Service account.
- Link your business’ Australian Business Number, opens in a new tab (ABN) to your account.
- Invite others to the service to act for your business.
- Manage user access.
- Register an establishment.
- Manage a registered establishment*.
- Set and change notification preferences.
- Receive department emails and notifications.
*You must be listed in management or control for the registered establishment to do this.
Job titles and Export Service roles
Your assigned role in the Export Service may differ from your job title in the business.
A ‘Principal Authority (Owner)’ must be listed in Relationship Authorisation Manager, opens in a new tab (RAM). They are often the business owner but may also hold one of the following job titles for a business:
- chairperson
- director
- Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
- company secretary
- public officer
- occupier of an establishment
- senior manager.
Go to Principal authority, opens in a new tab for more job titles a ‘Principal Authority (Owner)’ may hold for a business.
Roles and access
The Export Service has 4 roles with varying permission and access levels. Each person is assigned a role to ensure they have the correct access level to a business.
For example, some people should have limited access to view information only. Others may need full access to financial transactions and information. For more information, go to Roles and access levels in the Export Service.