Supporting documents for a non-compliance notice

Find out more about evidence you need to provide to resolve a non-compliance notice.

  • Compliance
  • Establishment
  • Non-compliance
  • Supporting documents
  • Audit reports

We audit export operations carried out in registered establishments. If your establishment’s export operations don’t meet the relevant standards, an auditor will issue a non-compliance notice. For more information, go to What is a non-compliance notice?

You can view and download non-compliance notices in your Export Service account at any time. You can do this if you are an authorised person who works for a registered establishment. For more information, go to View and download non-compliance notices.

Your establishment is invited to rectify a non-compliance notice by a date agreed by your auditor. Any evidence of actions you take in response to the non-compliance notice should be sent by the review date provided in the notice.

For example, you can provide evidence of your actions using:

  • photos
  • descriptions
  • receipts.

You can email evidence of your actions to the auditor. The auditor will contact you to let you know if your actions resolve the non-compliance.

Need more help?

Email 1800 571 125, Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm AEST